Thursday, August 28, 2008

Developing the Innate Kedusha By Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser

Similarly, Chazal tell us in Bava Metzia 30b that Yerushalayim was destroyed because the courts ruled by the laws of the Torah – they only did exactly what they had to do, v’lo ovdu lifnim mishuras hadin -- and they didn’t do any more. They were not motivated to exert themselves on behalf of others in Klal Yisroel.

Ostensibly, this is difficult to understand, for we are saying that despite the fact that the courts followed the law, Yerushalayim and the Bais Hamikdash were destroyed for lack of a generous spirit.

But if we explain this aveiroh in the context of the transgression of the mitzvah of kedoshim tiheyu, one can easily comprehend the judgment in the gemara. By circumventing the very reason for their creation, Klal Yisroel violated a basic tenet of the Torah which demands the development and nurturing of their innate kedusha and their continual ascent to higher levels in spirituality. In fact, this ability to attain a level of kedoshim tiheyu is only given to human beings; it is not applicable to malachim, angels.


Anonymous said...

how can we infuse Kedusha in our own daily lives practically???? On a HUMAN level?

Anonymous said...

giving examples to our children we do show teach them to be better people. Parents rolle is irreplecable

Anonymous said...

my family and me are not living in Jewish neighbourhood, but still keeping Jewish values, what is not easy. We are even more grateful to people like You bringing us light into our endeavours

Anonymous said...

your new blogs are helping us to bring Kedusha in our lifes

Anonymous said...