Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Rebellious Son By Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser

The Talmud in Sanhedrin in discussing the matter of a ben sorer u’moreh -- a thirteen-year-old son who rebels against his parents and steals from them -- states that there never has been in history, nor will there ever be in the future, such an occurrence. Chazal explain there that this incident was cited in order for us to learn about it, expound on it, and receive reward for doing so.

The Ramban (Rabbi Moshe Ben Nachman, 1194-1270) was one of the greatest and most influential Rishonim, distinguished in both halacha and hashkafah. He introduces an interesting concept with regard to this matter.

The Ramban explains that there are two sins for which the ben sorer u’moreh deserves punishment. One punishment is incurred for cursing his father and mother and rebelling against them, which we can understand. The second punishment is for being a glutton and a drunkard, an act that transgresses the mitzvah of kedoshim tiheyu – you shall be holy (Vayikra 19:2).


Anonymous said...

how do we insure that our children will go in the proper derech ?? any advice ?

Anonymous said...

does anyone know where i can get the article teach you child how to swim by rabbi dovid goldwasser ?

Anonymous said...

i would like to know if ther is a yeshiva for guys that can not learn gemora ?

Anonymous said...

Roshhashana falls out this year on Sept 30 and oct 1st. Tuesday and wednesday.

Unknown said...

Parents must set good examples for their children and come to an agreement concerning decisions in all areas in life. it takes a lot of prayer and alot of hard work to raise good children, but the main thing is to set a good example.

Unknown said...

details on the article "teach your child how to swim" will be available after Labor day.

Unknown said...

In berachos 59a it says: thunder was created only to straigten out the crookedness of the heart. As Elul approaches we all feel a certain sense of awe. We should apply the gemara and use it to starigten out ourselves.

Unknown said...

we learn from R' Natan in Bava Metzia 59b: dont taunt someone else with the same shortcomings that you have.

computer technition said...

We learn in Talmud Yerushalmi, Berachos 1:5, that it is written, "give your heart to me my son; let your eyes watch My ways.(Mishlei, 23:26) Hash-m tells us, "if you give me your heart and eyes, I know you're Mine."

Unknown said...

The Pre-megadim says that although a person needs to say vidoy in order to gain Kapara, Hirhurei Teshuva-thoughts of Teshuva alone can take a person out of the classification of being a Rasha.

Anonymous said...

Tefilla bli kavana is Keguf bli neshama- Tefilla without intention is a body without the soul.

Anonymous said...

R' Moshe Kubriner said, "Halavai, I would know that I said 'Amen' once with the proper Kavana."

Anonymous said...

One should not leave shul early because the Malach comes at the end of tefillah to gather tefilos in bundles and take them to Shamayim.

Anonymous said...

Chazal tell us we should not worry about our own needs first. If we would put the needs of the king before our own, we would surely be answered.

Anonymous said...

Chazal tell us we should not worry about our own needs first. If we would put the needs of the king before our own, we would surely be answered.

Anonymous said...

is there a tefila that can be said so that children will turn out well ?

Anonymous said...

how can you tell if you will be a good parent?

Anonymous said...

is their a training session for parents of teens.

Anonymous said...

Inorder to insure our children going on the proper derech, parents should set good examples in front of the children. they watch everything we do and take it all in. parents should come together to agreements in big and important decisions concerning the children as well.