Monday, September 8, 2008

Acheinu Bnei Yisroel By Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser

Over the last few years, world attention has been focused on our Holy Land. Anti-semitic remarks have been made throughout the world from leaders of the UN, to people who are insane, to admired Hollywood stars. It is impossible for us to continue with our regular daily activities as we grasp the enormity of the transpiring events.

Rav Mordechai Gifter z”l, the Rosh Yeshiva of the Telshe Yeshiva, used to say yisroel lev ha’amim – Bnai Yisroel are the heart of the world. We understand that it is an eis tzarrah – a time of distress -- for Yaakov. We fully realize that we share equal responsibility for everything that happens to our brethren in Eretz Yisroel, and therefore we all seek for means and ways of helping the matzav.

We can offer invaluable support and chizuk for all of Klal Yisroel with our effectiveness in three major areas: tefillah, learning, and maasim tovim.


computer technition said...

"one who lends money (to the poor) is greater than one who just gives it. and one who forms a partnership is the greatest of all." - Shabbat 63a

computer technition said...

Rabbi Eliezer says: Let other people's dignity be as precious to you as your own.-- Perkei avos, 2:15

Anonymous said...

Rav said, "the mitzvos were given in order to refine human beings." -VaYikrah Rabbi 13:3, Margoliot 2:227

Anonymous said...

Rabbi Yossi says: "it's not the place that honors the person, but the person that honors the place."- Ta'anis 21b

Anonymous said...

R' Huna said: "anyone who involved in Torah-study, but does not also perform Deeds of Lovingkindness- that person is like someone without a G-D,--- Avoda Zara 17b

Unknown said...

Rabbi Akiva says, "those who attach themselves to Mitzva-doers- eventhough he did not do as much as they did- still recieves a reward similar to theirs" -Avot de Rabbi Natan A:30

Unknown said...

Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser once said: " We can offer invaluable support and chizuk for all of Klal Yisroel with our effectiveness in three major areas: tefillah, learning, and maasim tovim."

Anonymous said...

Yes, You are right, we have to help, additionaly to promote Israel to fight against prejudice and ofenzive anti Izraeli media campagne

Anonymous said...

It is our duty to defend Israel on all fields, not only praying. We have to be "doer" as well and help in every possible sence

Anonymous said...

Antisemitisam is all over the world, it's just depending of momental world situation, we have to be ready and prepare to fight back. Don't just listen or read, do, write, pray, send tzedaka, help to organize different activities to help poor in Erec

Anonymous said...

Finaly right words on the right place

Anonymous said...

Your text is exceptionall

Anonymous said...

we realy like your way of expressing your self, it's clear and understudable

Anonymous said...

if we care about others, others will care about us

Anonymous said...

If you are in peace with your self everywhere is your home

Anonymous said...

Idea is to putt some reachable goal every week, with maasim tovim and to fullfill it, to see how we are improuving in doing and not just in our toughts

Anonymous said...

In which school ( for girls) are you teaching ?
Your approach is something what I need

Anonymous said...

We living in Arec and facing all challenges appreciate YYour struggle Rabbi Goldwasser to promote Jewish values and to support us.

Anonymous said...

Impressible ! Thank You Rabbi, thank You !