Sunday, September 21, 2008

Commemorating Akeidas Yitzchak By Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser

In contrast to the way we fulfill all the other mitzvos in the Torah, an interesting difference has been noted in our performance of the mitzvah of tekias shofar. With every other mitzvah, we reveal the mitzvah that we are about to perform. However, by the mitzvah of shofar we cover the mitzvah, and the shofar is not revealed until we are actually ready to perform the mitzvah. Why is this so?

We learn that when Avraham Avinu set out on his journey to offer Yitzchak as a korban, he was afraid that perhaps the Soton would want to prevent him from fulfilling this mitzvah. He would perhaps throw a stone in order to wound Yitzchak and thus invalidate him as a sacrifice. As a precaution, Avraham Avinu covered Yitzchak and concealed him from all eyes. To recall the great zechus of Avrahm Avinu and his mesiras nefesh to sacrifice his only son, we cover the shofar which is in itself a commemoration of Akeidas Yitzchak.


Anonymous said...

I think this is so difficult, we can think, and think, but I can't putt my self in his position. It's something I can cry and cry over

Anonymous said...

Thank You Rav, you brought it so nice !

Anonymous said...

Who can feel The deepness of Avraham avinu feelings ?
Thank You for Your comments.

Anonymous said...

The titel is choozen so good. All the topics connected with Shofar and Aheida, and carefully selected words, that is why we ( my whole family) love your blogs

Anonymous said...

Everything is predestinated, but we can smooth the way or make it more stressfull