Friday, September 26, 2008

Something That We Can Do By Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser

An interesting answer is presented. Teshuvah is somewhat of an art. A person has to know how to do teshuvah. He has to feel sorry; he has to regret what he has done; he has to confess to his sins. There are specific components of teshuvah that the Rambam mentions, which are sometimes not easily attainable.

Tefillah is also an art. There are many who have difficulty praying; it is a challenge to have the proper kavanah, intentions and feelings. Many books have been written, and many lectures have been given, on how to pray properly.

However, the last of the three, tzedakah, is something that each and every one of us can do. It doesn’t require special skill. We do not need to have any special kavonos. All we need is a feeling heart . It is something that is doable for everyone, regardless of background, level, or station in life. The power of tzedakah is in certain ways greater than any other mitzvah.


Anonymous said...

Yes, You are right, teshuva is not easy, on the other hand, if we feel sorry then we are on the half a way. You are straching your hand to us on the half a way, helping us to overcome another half.

Anonymous said...

The power of tzedaka ! Sure, one migh feel much better after giving tzedaka. Who don't know that feeling should start giving and it will come ! Belive it !

Anonymous said...

Like an ornamental garment on a cold day, so is one who sings songs to a sorrowful heart

Anonymous said...

Hear, my son, the reprimands of your father, and do not forsake the teachings of your mother