Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Destruction of the Bais HaMikdash By Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser

HaGaon R’ Yosef Sholom Elyashiv shlita suggests that the difficulty here is not why no one could answer Hashem’s query. It is important for us to clarify what was the cause of this generation’s downward spiral, of their spiritual decline that they did not recite these brachos.

The answer is that the men, the fathers, devalued the importance of the Torah. Outwardly it appeared as if the Torah was being studied and the mitzvos were being performed. In truth, however, the transmission of the Torah to the second generation had been compromised because the initial attachment and love for the Torah was no longer extant. The fathers’ warmth for Torah had diminished, and therefore the children could not longer accept the Torah with the same enthusiasm. The ideal of (Yeshayah 59:21) “u’dvorai asher samti b’ficha lo yomushu mipicha umipi zaracha … My words that I have placed in your mouth shall not be withdrawn from your mouth and the mouths of your children …” was disregarded. Ultimately, with each subsequent generation there was a spiritual deterioration which finally led to the destruction of the First Temple.


Anonymous said...

wow, amazing

Anonymous said...

your words are penetrating to my heart and every one support me in learning.

Unknown said...

How is it that in that generation, when things were SO clear, they had Nevuah, and were able to have Hash-m communicate with them, that the love for Torah became dull and they were less enthusiastic?

What should we say when we feel this way today, when we have lost the BHMK and we face Apikorsim everyday and live in a land with so much Zenus???

computer technition said...

if we dont treat Torah with the proper respect and Kedusha, if we don't learn out of love for hash-m and as our obligation as Yidden, then it becomes, Chas Ve'Shalom, like a regular subject that one learns out of curiousity and interest!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

How can we infuse Kedusha in our lives today? On a PRACTICAL, SIMPLE LEVEL?!!

Anonymous said...

where is a good area one should consider REALLY doing Teshuva in especially in the upcoming days, the month of Elul??

Or what should be an areaone should be more careful in or be more stringent in?????

Anonymous said...

the great mitzvah of v"ohavta l'reiacho komocha can als aply to a relative