So too, says the Chofetz Chaim, is our relationship with Hakodosh Boruch Hu. We pray, “Avinu malkeinu -- our Father, our King. have mercy upon us. Give us to understand and to be wise. Enlighten our eyes with the Torah and with yiras Shamayim.”
Hashem is a merciful king and wishes to grant our request. However, we don’t come to collect payment. There is no one to blame. It is as if we were talking in our sleep – sometimes our ears do not hear what our mouth is speaking.
Similarly, we daven to Hashem every Shabbos for “… zara di lo yifsuk v’di lo yivtul mipisgamei oraysa – children who will neither interrupt nor cease from words of Torah.” We have to make sure that our ears are listening to what our mouths are saying.
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Tefilla is Avodas Sh'balev. We should mean and understand what we say, it shouldn't be lip service.
what should one do in such a case, to increase their Kavana and focus on the meaning of what they are saying?
The Rambam says in Hilchos Teshuva that a person who seperates themselves from the Tzibor, even though he does not do Aveiros, but is seperated from the general community, he doesn't do the Mitzvos with them and does not feel their pain and he doesn't fast with them, but goes along with the peoples of the world, like he's not a memeber of klal yisroel, he has no chelek in Olam Haba.
when one is davening, inorder to have proper kavana, it is suggested that we look in the siddur and read and say every word in it.
tefilla bli kavana, k'guf bli neshama. a tefilla without intention is like a body without a soul.
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