The mitzvah of kedoshim tiheyu enjoins one not to indulge in excess, even in those activities which are permissible by Torah law. Accordingly, if one does not temper his actions it is possible he may be a “novol b’reshus haTorah – dishonorable within the parameters of Torah.” In such a case, then, the individual is faulted in Shamayim and is considered worthy of severe punishment, because he has failed to understand the significance of man as a part of Hashem.
In the Sefer Machsheves Mussar, Maran HaRav Shach states that the manifestation of kedoshim tiheyu is defined by man’s aspiration to elevate himself higher, to reach a loftier spiritual pinnacle. The objective of our existence is not merely to abstain from wrongdoing; rather, the purpose of man is to strive for the ideal of kedoshim tiheyu. It is for this reason -- the fact that he is no longer exerting a determined effort to attain a level of “kedoshim tiheyu” – that the ben sorer u’moreh warrants such a severe punishment.
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The first step of doing Teshuva is Charata- regret. In short, on must feel bad about commiting the sin, but more importantly, feel bad for having forsaken Hash-m.
The next step is to admit you did it(Vidoy)and daven to Hash-m. Pour out your heart and say exactly how you feel, what you think and what you need and daven to be answered.
The 3rd step is to just leave the sin-azivas hachet. (some say this is the 1st step b/c if one is still in the same environment or around what provokes them to sin, their Teshuva is Batul b/c they can still commit the sin afterwards.)Leave the purpose behind your sin somewhere else. don't place yourself in an area in which you feel like you are testing yourself and that you will like fail. (EVERYONE has a weakness, and discover yours and build it to a stregnth)
and the last step is to make amends and say to yourself and Hash-m you will not do it again- kabalas al ha'usid. (this is a difficult "promise" to make b/c we never know what the future holds, but we must do everything in OUR power to make sure we don't fall back into the Yetzer's trap and sin [make gedarim for ourselves]. The biggest way to accomplish these steps are to DAVEN wholeheartedly to Hash-m Yisbarach, our father in heaven.)
elul is the begining of the Yomim Na'ara'im. it is a specail time to do Teshuvaand reflect on the past year.
How overwhelming one might find teshuva to be. All the details, fear, regret etc, but we forget that Hash-m gave us this power to do Teshuva on ANYTHING as a gift!! Really we can be forgiven for anything and everything!
We learn in Sha'arei Teshuva that one must realize that even Tzaddikim fall sometimes. We learn that there is NO ONE in the world that lives without ever sinning!
it has been recorded that R' Yisroel salanter, ZTL, used to hear Rosh Chodesh Bentching for elul, you could see a visible change in him from Shachris to Musaf.
During elul, we increase our Yiras Hsamayim. One of the things Amalek wanted to do to us was to cool us off so that we would no longer have any Yiras shamayim. In fact this is one of the things the Torah tells us about Amalek.
what should one do if they still feel guilty and nervous even after having done teshuva?
R' Yosef became ill and passed on,but later his neshama came back to him. His father, R' Yehoshua asked him what he saw in the Olam haemes? R' Yosef answered that everything was upside down. the high people were at the bottom pits and the lowest people were at the highest heights.
R' Yehoshua said, "you saw a clear world."
where is a good area one should consider REALLY doing Teshuva in especially in the upcoming days, the month of Elul??
Or what should be an areaone should be more careful in or be more stringent in?????
it is important to concentrate on both areas, teshuva and perfecting a midda. It is good general overhaul of everything but also pick one particular midda or mitzva and try to perfect it. Specifically, in the area one finds to be the weakest in and has a downfall in.
The Zohar tells us that when Eisav realized that Yaakov had already recieved the berachos from Yitzchakhe began to cry bitter tears. Becuase of those tears HKBH blessed him with all the materialistic goods in the world.
The Zohar asks when will this Galus be over? It is when the children of Yaakov cry as SINCERELY as Eisav did.
it says "Eitz Ha'chaim He"- it's a tree of life to those who cling on to it.R' Moshe aharon Stern said that the tree was in the center of the garden- it means that a person can reach the Torah from ANY direction!
healthy guilt is good; unhealthy guilt is not. Healthy guilt brings us to Charata- regret which is a part of Teshuva process. Therefore one must utilize their guilt to bring them closer to Hash-m and a higher level of Teshuva, and not be nervous and feel bad about themselves. One must have a positive self-image.
how are we to know how much teshuva to do ?
i would like information on vegetarianism and torah.
teshuva - can it be half baked ?
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