The Chasam Sofer beautifully explains one of the reasons that we have the shofar is to inspire Am Yisroel to accept ol malchus Shomayim -- the yoke of the Heavenly Kingdom. What is the yoke of the Heavenly Kingdom? That is the responsibility of Torah and mitzvos.
Therefore, when the Soton hears the first set of tekios that we are blowing according to the mitzvah of the Torah he is frightened, but not totally terrified. For he still “comforts” himself, believing that Klal Yisroel will only accept upon themselves the mitzvos of the Torah but they will surely not accept the mitzvos of rabbinic origin. However at the time of tefillas mussaf, when we once again blow the shofar following the instructions of the chachamim, it is clear proof to the Soton that we regard the words of the chachamim the same as the words of the Torah itself, even to the point that the prohibition of bal tosif does not apply at all to their words. When the Soton realizes that we have accepted the yoke of Torah and also the mitzvos d’rabbanan he becomes completely horrified.
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Initiate a greeting to every person
Better to be a follower of the lions, than to be a leader of foxes
When your enemy falls do not be glad
Do not appease your friend in the time of his anger
Better one hour of repentance and good deeds in This World than the entire life of the World to Come
we have to wach all over, be very carefully on your way
The thoughts of the wise turn to the house of mourning, for it inspires one to repent; the thoughts of a fool turn to the house of feasting.
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One who increases possessions increases his worry
One who uses false scales will eventually become impoverished
The merits of the righteous protect the world
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Do not be hastily upset, for anger remains in the heart of fools
If one repays good with evil, evil will not depart from his house
A man of understanding speaks sparingly
He who walks with wise people shall become wise; but a companion of fools shall suffer
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