Sunday, September 7, 2008
The Gates of Tears By Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser
The Tiferes Shlomo explains that one should not feel that chas v’sholom the tefillos of Klal Yisroel are not accepted. However, when the Bais HaMikdash was destroyed, the main tefillah of Klal Yisroel is to cry out about the exile of the Divine Presence, the Shechinah. Our main concern is to pray for Hashem. When a person is mispallel and cries over the galus haShechinah, then the gates of tears are not closed.
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The Ibin Gabriel says, “a man’s ear belongs to himself, but his tongue belongs to others.”
The Talmud in Megilah says, “Talk is a shekel, silence is two.”
“What’s the sign of a foolish man? He talks too much!”
“When people quarrel, even Hash-m’s anger doesn’t scare them.”
“there are three possessions a person should deem precious: a field, a friend, and a book.”
"No creature is poorer than a dog, non richer than a pig"- Shabbat 155b
when a person gets Torah-wisdom, shrewdness comes along with it.- Sotah 21b
many of you in gallut,don't think about returning, but they have mauth full of words, how we have to do this and that. Come here live with us, not just for holydays but real life and show that you are serious
It is HAshem who ultimately contrives that the sinner goes forward to meet his own punishment ( Meleches Machshevet)
the world is like the wheel at the well, the full bucket is enptied and the empty one filled
Mishley 10 The memory of the righteus is blessed
It's realy impressible ! Kol hakavod !
Do we have any reason not to cry, or are we destinated to be a sad ?
to pray, to be honest to be helpfull, that migh help
Always keep in mind that the prayer can help, don't close the doors please
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