Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Gates of Tefillah By Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser

R’ Elozor said: Since the days when the Bais Hamikdash was destroyed the Gates of Tefillah have been closed, as it says, “Yes, when I cry and I call for help, He quiets my tefillah.” But though the Gates of Tefillah are closed, the Gates of Weeping are not closed, as it says, “Hear my tefillah, Hashem, and give an ear to my cry, please be not silent at my tears.” (Brachos 32b)

The Meiri says that after the Churban Bais HaMikdash Hashem certainly continues to answer our tefillos. However, it is not the same as it was during the time that the Bais HaMikdash was standing, and therefore, we have to “knock” on the gates before our tefillos are answered.


Anonymous said...

concentrate and daven, do not just daven

Anonymous said...

If the Gates of Tefillah are closed, doesn't that mean that we come to pray late ?

Anonymous said...

there is so many reason for Israel to cry, how could we improove situation

Unknown said...

The real guardians of a state are the teachers. –Talmud chagiga

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

The Chofetz Chaim said, the Gov. can fall because of injustice.

Unknown said...

The Midrash says that even if all slander is not believed, half of it is.

Unknown said...

The Talmud Yerushalmi says, “Hash-m is long suffering but he collects his dues.

Unknown said...

Before a wise man ventures into a pit, he lowers the ladder so that he can get out. – Shmuel Hanagid

Unknown said...

In Avos D’Rabi Nason it says, “ in two years a man can forget what took him 20 to learn.”

Anonymous said...

R’ Pinchas of Koretz said, “Eat sparingly and lengthen your life.”

Anonymous said...

R’ Pinchas of Koretz said, “Eat sparingly and lengthen your life.”

Unknown said...

R’ Nachman said, “a man should believe in Hash-m through faith and not miracles.”

Unknown said...

“He who returns evil for evil acts wrongly. He should instead be patient and let Hash-m help him.” -Zohar

Unknown said...

“Envy is hatred with a cure.” Kad HaKemach

Anonymous said...

“Every man’s own enemy is under his own ribs.” Chovos Halevavos.

Unknown said...

“The fewer a man’s words, the fewer his mistakes.”- Ibin Gabriel

Unknown said...

“Deception in words is worse than deception in money.”- Bava Matzia

Unknown said...

“The world weeps when a fruit tree is cut.”- Yalkut Reuveni

Anonymous said...

knowledge of the Torah cannot be trouroughly acquired unless studied in a group ( Berachos 63)

Anonymous said...

whenewer I read something You wrote I feel happy to be a part of it

Anonymous said...

confidence is most important. Gett confidence !

Anonymous said...

Asking somebody what does Tefillah says and not getting answer, that's waisting the time

Anonymous said...

repead knocking every day, such good explanation, I can use it in my class, I am sure it will have a grate impact on children