The acts of Hashem are a paradigm for all generations. This particular modification that Hashem made when He repeated His conversation with Sarah to Avraham is to teach us that the quality of peace is even more important than the quality of truth.
The middah of emes has its boundaries. If a person uses it at all times and in all places, without considering the situation at hand, he can harm himself. This would in fact not be a middah chassidus, an extra measure of piety, but rather something that is foolish and forbidden.
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when it comes to doing Teshuva, one should not put off for tomorrow what he can do today. We must act upon our actions quickly for 3 reasons:
if we don't do Teshvuva right away, we might keep pushing it off and eventually forget we ever committed a sin.
when we quickly run to do Teshuva, we protect ourselves from ANY punishment that is inevitable.
lastly, if we dont do Teshuva right away, one may fall into the Yetzer's trap and sin more severely- chazal teach us "aveiro goreres aveiro". we need to take advantage of these days bc Hash-m is closer and is waiting for us to return.
we are told that when we do Teshuva meYirah on an aveiro the action thatwe is erased and becomes but when we take Teshuva a step further and do it MeAhava, that action becomes a MITZVA!!!! how wonderous is HAsh-m's judgment and council!
we learn "let the person who davens cast his eyes downward but his heart upward"- (yevamos 105). RAbbeinu Yona explains that when a person is davening, they should imagine that they are standing in heaven and must forget about all the worldly pleasures and material enjoyment.
the sound of the blowing of the Shofar should wake us all up to do Teshuva.
even a talmud Chocham is not allowed to seclude himself from the Tzibubur when they say Selichos.
LAshon HAra is forbidden whether its a verbal expression or a nonverbal gesture. it is also forbidden to write Lashon HAra.
the chofetz chaim sites a pasuk in devarim that says there is a particular prohibition against speaking about others behind their backs, trying to strike them in secret. this carries to gether with it the punishment of a curse.
durin the Yomim Nearaim we should be extra careful with Tefilla and tzedaka. we should take this time to ask for mechila from our friends and family.
its forbidden to say lashon hara about a jew to a non jew. it is a chilul Hash-m and could even change the status of a person.
we need to go over those things which are not novel and new ideas. rather to review the foundations of our faith that we already know.
-Mesilas Yesharim
wow, I love those comments. Thank You Rabbi for making blog
i forgot to put my name on previous comment, and now using new opportunity to say how grate comments and grate people are visiting your blog
havy days, havy time, but throu your words getting inspiration to go forwertz
To think I am sinless is the bigest sin !
running to do Tshuva is OK, never think I'll do it tomorrow, tomorrow in this case is usuly never
I see, but it seams different to me, how the truth can harm if that is the truth ? I am confused
sounds strange, but I think it's reasonable, sometimes not to say even You know that the truth is different
You are sprinkeling the peace all over !
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