Friday, September 12, 2008

The Question By Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser

The gemara states in Avodah Zarah 18a: “Tanu rabbanan … Our rabbis taught that when R’ Yosi Ben Kisma became ill R’ Chanina ben Tradyon came to visit him.

R’ Yosi said to R’ Chanina: “Chanina, my brother, don’t you know that from Heaven it has been decreed that the Roman nation should be rulers over us? They have destroyed the Bais Hamikdash, burned the Kodesh Kodoshim, killed the righteous ones, and caused His wise men to perish. And yet this ruler continues to exist.

“I have heard about you that you sit and you learn Torah, which has been banned by the government. And that you gather public assemblies to teach Torah, with a Torah resting on your lap.”

R’ Chanina replied to R’ Yosi: “From Shamayim they will have mercy on me,” meaning that he would be shielded with Divine protection.


Anonymous said...

Thank You Rabbi Goldwasser, familiar and didactical

Anonymous said...

People are still sleeping, that's why I have a privilege to be first on thos beautiful words of You Rabbi. It's an inspiration for my day.

Anonymous said...

Savua tov RAbbi, thank You for beautiful words

Anonymous said...

for me Your words are law, there are no better for me Thanks Rabbi Goldwasser

Anonymous said...

Every new day I start opening Your sites to find words of inspiration and couragge, thank You rabbi

Anonymous said...

Thank You for beeing here for me !

Anonymous said...

illuminating words

Anonymous said...

Grate work and a huge love for Klal Yisroel !

Anonymous said...

You are to fare for me to come, but I realy enjoy reading it.