Sunday, September 14, 2008

A Strange Conversation By Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser

HaGaon Moran Harav Shach questions this strange exchange. In light of the mesiras nefesh that R’ Chanina exerted in order to disseminate Torah to the masses at a time when it was absolutely forbidden by the Roman empire, why did R’ Chanina find it necessary to ask R’ Yosi whether he merits olam haba?

And, by the same token, why did R’ Yosi have to corroborate that R’ Chanina had faced a difficult dilemma in his life -- i.e. his personal Purim money became combined with the general tzedakah fund for the poor -- and he was mevater (conceded) on his own money? He could have simply replied to R’ Chanina’s question by citing his mesiras nefesh on behalf of harbotzas Torah?


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Anonymous said...

Let's start from begining, you are amazing with your way of teaching !

Anonymous said...

Please write more

Anonymous said...

So good to read it, it helps to make our day better