Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Power of Forgiving By Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser

Our chachamim teach us that at this time of year it is especially important to forgive others and to ask others to be mochel (forgive) us. A forgiving nature earns the individual the unique merit that Hashem, in turn, is mochel our sins and transgressions.

There is a fascinating story related by the Zohar which illustrates the exceptional power of mechilah.

Two sages were walking along the road and they noticed a man resting against a wall, with his eyes closed. As they passed, they glimpsed a poisonous snake crawling close by the man, poised to strike. Suddenly a weasel appeared, and attacked the snake, killing it.

The sleeping man awoke, oblivious to the miracle that had just occurred, and resumed his journey on the road. He had only taken a number of steps when the entire wall came crashing down.

When the tanna’im (sages) observed that this individual had merited two separate miracles, they were intrigued and turned back to find out his identity.


Anonymous said...

How grate person must he be ! Lucky he, and lucky we becouse you posted this nice story for us.

Anonymous said...

To forgive is very important, don't hesitate, do it right away when asked for.

Anonymous said...

We face today also such or simmilar miracles, but we don't regonize them, we are ignorants !
That is good article where we can take a message from. Thanks