Friday, August 22, 2008

Respect for Torah By Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser

With this concept, the Sefer Divrei Aggadah offers an understanding of the destruction of the First Bais Hamikdash. Hashem asked the Bnai Yisroel (Yirmiyah 9:11) “Al mah ovdoh ha’aretz – why was the Bais Hamikdash destroyed?” No one knew how to answer the question, despite the fact that the nation had transgressed the three severe aveiros of giluy arayos, shefichas damim and avodah zarah – immorality, murder, and idol worship.

Our sages tell us that Hashem’s answer, “Al azvam es torasi – they forsook My Torah,” actually refers to the reality that the people did not recite Birchos haTorah before they engaged in Torah study. The Ran in Mesechta Nedarim explains that they lacked the proper veneration for the Torah, and therefore did not see the need to recite the obligatory blessings.


Anonymous said...

why is Birchas HaTorah so severe?

Anonymous said...

The chofes Chaim said that in Devarim,"cursed is the person thayt strikes his fellow man in secret" this applies to those who say Lashon Hara behind other people's backs.

Anonymous said...

One must refrain from speaking Lashon Hara, even is others will call him a fool or hate him!- Chofetz Chaim

Anonymous said...

We learn in Iggeres Haramban that, "On the heels of humility comes the fear of G-D.(Mishlei, 22-4) Through humility, the fear of G-D will intensify in your heart."

Rav Yosef Leib Bloch, the telshe Rav, explains that the way we can acquire such humility is if we look at what we compare ourselves to. For example, if a man who is 6'4 and he stands next to a man who is 5'8, surely the taller man will feel mightier. But if he compares his height to the sun 93,000 miles away, he will feel less than inferior.

computer technition said...

if we dont treat Torah with the proper respect and Kedusha, if we don't learn out of love for hash-m and as our obligation as Yidden, then it becomes, Chas Ve'Shalom, like a regular subject that one learns out of curiousity and interest!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

was the rambam on kavod chachamim included !

Anonymous said...

where can i read more on this subject ?