Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Site of the Bais HaMikdash By Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser

In discussing the makom hamikdosh, the posuk tells us (Devarim 12:5), “Ki im el hamakom asher yivchar Hashem Elokeichem – only at the place that Hashem, your G-d will choose.” The Torah does not state exactly where that place is. With respect to this observation, the Gemara in Zevachim 54 states, similarly, that when Dovid and Shaul were going to build the Bais HaMikdash they did not know the exact designation for its location.

Divrei HaYamim (I, 21:16) relates the sequence of events in which the site of the Bais HaMikdash was revealed to Dovid HaMelech. “Dovid raised his eyes and saw the angel of Hashem standing between the earth and heaven, with his sword drawn in his hand, stretched out over Yerushalyaim. David and the zekeinim, who were covered in sackcloth, fell on their faces.” Dovid HaMelech found himself at the threshing floor of Arnon HaYevusi. The angel of Hashem then told Gad, the Navi, to instruct Dovid to erect an altar to Hashem at that place. The pesukim continue that Dovid then approached Arnon and requested, “Give me the site of the threshing floor so that I may build an altar to Hashem in it. Give it to me for the full price ….” Although Arnon insisted that he wanted to give his land to Dovid at no charge, Dovid refused the offer and gave Arnon gold shekels weighing six hundred.


Unknown said...

HKBH told us: "Ve'asu Li Mikdash, Ve'Shachanti B'Socham."-- make for Me a holy PLACE and I wil dwell among THEM. How can HKBH dwell in THEM when we only have ONE?

Chazal tell us that it means that each and everyone of us MUST try to make a place in our Neshamos for HKBH's existance. Torah and mitzvos should not be just rituals and services; We need to allow our Avodas Hash-m penetrate deep in our hearts and remember that we are fulfilling our creator's desire of us. Though we have a central Mikdash where the Shechina rests, each home, our place of Torah and Mitzvos, including our soul should have a place for HKBH's existance.

Anonymous said...

HKBH says: "Woe to My children that because of their transgressions I have destroyed My home, and burned my sanctuary, and have exiled them from their homeland." The Talmud (Berachos 3a) tells us that HKBH repeats this 3 times a day everyday.

Are we listening? and what is OUR response?

Unknown said...

It states in Yesod VeShoersh HaAvoda 1:5, that we should have a constant awareness of giving HKBH Nachas with every action that we commit. (whether it's tefilla, chesed, learning or watching others doing Mitzvos) we should realize that we are making Hash-m proud of us.
It's so easy to concentrate on doing things perfectly and meeting all the requirements and the have- to's that we forget at the end of the day, our Loving Heavenly Father just wants to be proud of us. (Like any human parent is proud of their children, it's parallel to HKBH's relationship with us.)

Anonymous said...

We learn in Iggeres Haramban that we should accustom ourselves to speak gently to all people at all times.

a)Accustom yourself--for life's surprises. If we can imagine the worst(chas ve'shalom)and in our mind's eye see our reaction and resolution and we won't take life as hard as it can hit us sometimes.
b)to speak gently--No matter how upset you get, even if it's justified and you must rebuke the person, do it calmly. Do not lose your state of calmness and cool.
c)to all people--respect everyone equally. If someone embarrasses you terribly, remain calm, especailly when one is being a nudge.. we also learn that it can mean people we don't appreciate. (parents, spouses, friends etc)
d)at all times-- when life has drained every last bit of strength from your soul, when you're frustrated, confused, and when the darkness seems endless, hold your head up high. HKBH is taking care of you; Remain calm and SPEAK GENTLY.

Unknown said...

Shlomo Hamelech said in Koheles, "D'vrei Chachamim B'nachas Nishmaim"--the word of the wise, spoken gently, are heard. A wise man is in constant control of his words and listens to people when thet speak to him. He thinks twice before he responds and chooses his words carefully.

Anonymous said...

This is amazing! I love this

Anonymous said...

is their any book in english that discusses the prohition of walking on the temple mount?

Anonymous said...

Oh, grate you wrote something new.
No dissappointments, deep and clear, thank You Rabbi Goldwasser

Anonymous said...

I think it's much deeper, to dwell doesn't mean to live, HKBH will be there where we Jews are