Sunday, October 5, 2008

Collective Responsibility By Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser

With the Viduy of the Kohen Gadol we see that he first confesses specifically to his own sins and transgressions. Then, when he comes to confess for his family, he once again states “v’chiper ba’ado” , in order to take charge of the responsibility that he has for his family. And then when he comes to confess for the nation, he once again repeats “v’chiper ba’ado,” because every Jew bears responsibility for the actions of every other Jew.


Anonymous said...

To often we forgot, that our deads are counted for all, thank You Rabbi for reminding us !

Anonymous said...

TAking care of others and beeing aware what we do it's our responability.

Anonymous said...

doing mitzvos for us but also for our fellow man and women is not easy but it's must !

Anonymous said...

Jealousy causes bones to rot

Anonymous said...

Jealousy causes bones to rot

computer technition said...

One who is incarcerated cannot free himself from jail (Berachos 5b)

Anonymous said...

We have to take responsibility in our hands if we conseder our selfs mature.
People without responsibilities live in chaos.

Anonymous said...

wisdom without experience and zest is not worth anything /Tzemech Tzedek/