R’ Chaim of Sanz came to visit the Zhikover Rebbe, who was not well. The Rebbe said to R’ Chaim, “Mechutan, please be mispallel for me that I should have a long life.”
The Sanzer asked him, “Why do you want to remain in this lowly world? Wouldn’t it be better to be in the olam ha’elyon?”
The Zhikover answered, “But a person has to come up there equipped.”
The Sanzer answered, “Halevai, that all the Yidden would be prepared like you are.”
The Zhikover pleaded, “Sanzer Rov, have mercy. I cannot leave my children without parnassah, chas v’shalom.”
“And if you live,” said the Sanzer Rov, “what will you do for your children? You will try to see that they are set up in this world. I promise you that I will make sure that they all have what they need as if you were living.”
The Zhikover answered, “Mechutan, when I sing during the Yomim Noraim, “Ein kitzvah l’shenosecha – Your years are limitless,” it causes a great simcha in the Upper World. All the Heavenly Hosts dance with great joy in Shamayim. If I will not be here in this world that nachas ruach (pleasure) that I give to the Heavens will cease.”
The Sanzer Rov then said, “If that is so, then I have to pray that you have an exceedingly long life, in order that this great nachas ruach should not end.”
With that, the Sanzer Rov took leave of the Zhikover Rebbe and went to be toivel (immerse) in the mikvah. When he returned he told the Zhikover, “I have davened for you to live a long life.”
And so it was. The Zikhover had a refuah shleimah and regained his former strength.
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Wow what a grate Cadikim !
Wow what a grate Cadikim !
We can learn so much from them and for You as well, thank You Rabbi.
Whoever takes a [voluntary] oath, even if he fulfills it, is called sinful (Nedarim 77b).
A change of place causes a change in fortune (Rosh Hashanah 16b)
Being envious of wise scholars perpetuates wisdom (Bava Basra 21a)
Jews have three distinguishing characteristics: they do chesed , they are easily ashamed, and they are merciful (Yevamos 79a)
A person’s income is predestined for the year on Rosh Hashanah, excluding what he spends for Shabbos, Yom Tov, and his son’s Torah education (Beitzah 16a)
it's nice to be back on your blogs, I have miss them during holidays
We can just dream of such greatenings
The number of children a family has is in G-d’s hands (Sanhedrin 113a)
The number of children a family has is in G-d’s hands (Sanhedrin 113a)
He who speaks lashon hora is similar to a snake that bites (Taanis 8a)
He who is able to protest against the members of his family and does not do so, is caught in the sins of his family (Avodah Zarah 18a)
A person does not succeed in Torah unless he stumbles first (Gittin 43a)
A person is led along the path which he himself chooses (Makkos 10b)
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